Thursday, December 1, 2011

Google expands into e-commerce to protect its search volume

Launch of Amazon prime is hitting hard at Google's search volume. Consumers are now searching directly on Amazon to find products rather than using Google. This is also posing a threat to traditional retailers whose online offerings and shipping times could not match Prime's offerings and shipping times.

In order to deal with this challenge Google is planning to launch a service that lets consumers shop for goods on the Web and receive orders within a day for a low fee. Numerous retailers have expressed interest in signing on to the Google initiative. Google has pitched the project to retailers with whom it struck recent partnerships in other areas, a group that includes Macy's Inc., Gap Inc. and OfficeMax Inc.

Google can certainly offer the same services as Amazon does at cheaper prices because this is the subsidy side of business for Google, the real money would be from ads & search. This service would be a significant competitor to Amazon Prime in the coming days.


  1. Interesting strategy, especially tapping into the 2-sided network approach by subsidizing the buyer's shipping in order to drive search/ad traffic. I wonder how successful this will be. Google has had it's hand in e-commerce for a while, at least from a search perspective, with and other shopping aggregation, but I've always been a little skeptical of buying from these searches given Google's openness and fear of getting scammed. I think partnering with big retailers could really help, but Amazon does have the benefit of the seller rating system and their trusted vendor service.

    The good news is that we the consumer should benefit in the end. Whether it's with free 2-day shipping, or a long-term reduced price on Amazon Prime. I'm paying $39/year now for Prime, I bet I'll never have to pay much more than that if Google is successful at challenging the e-commerce leader.

  2. It will be very interesting to see what patterns of relationships emerge in this sector.
